Wednesday, July 27, 2011

                          Arts LUV-ER                       
                                  LIFE UNITY VISION

Life -Passion, Love, Courage, Triumph, these and many other realities arise from the stories in the Arts.
Plays, books, music, dance, all birth feelings and inspiration that help us to feel ALIVE!  Knowing that the source of the arts is God, and recognizing our need for and response to the Arts reveals the thrilling reality that we were created by God.

Unity in the Community -The arts at their best, teach participants to care for others, to have self-control, and to work together to build teams to create arts events and to enrich the community in which we live. The sign of successful arts is that we trained, worked, and created an experience that drew people together and provided affirmation and growth, again as designed by a loving Creator.

Vision - We see more clearly, we work through struggle, and we catch sight of a better world through the Arts. Problem-solving is one of the greatest skills developed through the arts.  Using the tools of art, we can express the reality of our lives, our struggles, and be transformed in the Art experience.  The wonder of the Arts points to a Wondrous Master Artist.  Relax and receive the Revelation.

Featured  Arts Event 
Flashback to the 60's-The Yellow Bug,  is a  Play written by Buck Hodge and directed by Sarah Williams. A family-friendly play that people really enjoy and that captures your heart is a real delight.  Don't miss out on a great performance that captures your imagination and the best of the music of the early 60's including The Beatles, The Monkeys, Marvin Gaye, the Motown Sound, and much, much more!  You'll be sorry if you don't join in the Fun!  Catch a peek of what life was like and the joys and struggles of a group of kids who love to sing, dance, and want to make a difference in the world.
"Flashback to the 60s, the Yellow Bug" Show Schedule
Thursday night July 28th 7:00 p.m. 
Friday Night July 29th 7:00 p.m. 
Saturday Night July 28th 7:00 p.m. 
Sunday Afternoon July 31st 4:00 p.m. Tickets $ 8.00 each 
Call 910-488-7474 or 910-527-4567 for reservations 
Tickets available at the door. Production presented at the Family Life Center Theatre Hall on Andover Road just off Ramsey Street.
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